Hello, I’m Katana Lee and I started The House of Good Tidings to grow nutrient dense microgreens and to help people grow food anywhere, from the smallest apartment to multiple acres.

I do evaluation and planning for gardens large and small, for indoor grow spaces, for livestock and farms and ranches to help you make the most of your property, and land evaluations to make sure that the land you are going to buy or have bought will meet your goals now and into the future.

Using my experience in sales and marketing and growing and selling microgreens, vegetables and meats I help you strategize and implement ways to sell and/or barter your farm products.

Many of us did not grow up in a farm family or a rural environment including myself, and I understand what it is like to begin from that place. My experience will save you time and help you avoid expensive mistakes.




Meshing your gardening goals with your lifestyle, budget and site

Site evaluations, recommendations and plans for urban, suburban and rural locations  

How to maximize production, especially in small areas

Evaluation and planning for small and large livestock

Farm and ranch planning

Remote evaluations and planning

Garden construction and maintenance

Microgreens sales and Micro farm setups


Bon Specialty Services

Talisman work – setting up specific energies in your space

Negotiation and ransoming  – making friends and overcoming hindrances with the beings on your property



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